WP 4: Socio-cultural framing and deliberative coastal management
Using an innovative participatory approach, WP 4 co-designs social regulation (governance) of blue carbon capture and storage. In a transdisciplinary context, WP 4 works together with affected communities and political decision-makers. In order to identify best practices and gain societal acceptance, WP 4 combines social, political, legal, economic and ethical considerations.
Based on local conditions, WP 4 identifies place-specific knowledge and capacities for innovation as well as barriers to a wider societal acceptance of blue carbon storage practices. From a regional and sustainable development perspective, WP 4 validates contributions to a “blue carbon economy”. In order to collect data, WP 4 works locally at all research sites (both German coasts, Colombia and Indonesia) with street surveys, diverse formats of interviews and interactive workshops and puts the insights into regional and national contexts of governance.